Thursday, June 27, 2013

48 Hour Film Project 2013- Complete!

It's Thursday and I have no voice. Well, what's left of my voice is reminiscent of a crotchety frog. Yep. Today is the third and final screening of my 48 hour film "Clean." I'm happy to say that for the second year in a row I got HORROR! Here is the trailer for the film:

Now for the details of how this weekend went down. At 7 on Friday the 21st we recieved our city's elements:
Prop: wallet
Line of dialogue: I don't trust her.
Character: Joe or Joanna Moroney, a dentist
For those of you who don't know what the 48 hour film project is, essentially you have 48 hours to make a complete film. Never would of guessed, right?!

This was my fourth year, and my third year with the same core crew. My cinematographer Kali, my assistant director Sam, my gaffer/assistant camera Wayne, and my audio man Byrd have been on my team for 3 years, and most of the rest of the crew for 2. Because I now live in Michigan during the school year (and because all of the people I mentioned above don't even live in Asheville!) each summer when we come together for this competition, it is like a big family reunion. I can't tell you how much I love these guys. Actually, when I tried to explain how much I loved them all to someone, I genuinely started to tear up... I'm such an emotional wreck!

The whole cast and crew!
Cinematographer Kali and I! We love each other.

I am so happy and proud of how the film turned out. It is actually probably my favorite film I have directed thus far. I am shocked with how it came out to be honest. Kali's cinematography is just... gosh. How about you take a look at it? Here are some shots from the film!:

This is the first film that I've completely scored myself. I didn't write the music during the 48 hours (that is not a guideline) but it is all original. One of my secret desires is to actually become a film score composer... that passion is actually just as strong as my passion to write/direct films. The music in the trailer is me if you wanna take a listen!

Now for some stories:
1. One of the shooting locations was a waterfall. My gaffer/A.C. Wayne (and actor actually!) prepped a Go Pro for time lapse in a bush next to the waterfall (we actually ended up not using it) but what we later discovered is that the bush was full of poison ivy. Furthermore, after we all left, Wayne actually went back to the waterfall to throw his water-proof camera off the waterfall for a cool shot. Unfortunately the camera wasn't rolling. But get this-- Wayne FELL OFF the waterfall. He is okay. BUT, the funniest part to all of this: he was actually just on American Ninja Warrior a few months ago. It should be airing this upcoming month. Oh Wayne.

The wonderful waterfall! (that Wayne FELL OFF OF.)

Wayne, the ninja warrior, about to launch the camera.

Reviewing the crazy shot.

2. LAST SHOT OF THE SHOOT. IT IS 1 IN THE MORNING AND THE FOLLOWING OCCURS: I see a bat. I freak out. It attacks me. I run inside the house shrieking. It attacks every single actor, plus Kali among other crew members. Moments later someone shouts from outside to me: IT'S A BUTTERFLY--- to which we all discovered in unison that it was actually just a massive moth. Later I researched it and found out it's called a Polyphemus moth. It's wingspan is an average of 6 inches. Also, the name Polyphemus actually means "to be known" or "famous." Kali, Sam and I decided that this bat-moth was a good omen. Or so we hope. The best part? All of the shrieking and screaming during the incident was recorded on audio. Thank you Byrd!

Moments after the moth incident.
 3. I finished writing the first script at 11. Yes, I said first for a reason. I called up one of my actors and when I asked if she was comfortable with swimming, she said no. The problem? Her character was supposed to drown. So I wrote a completely new script and finally finished at around 3:30. I think the second script was better anyways, but alas, now I have an extra script that I can shoot if I ever need one. Ha.

Many other things occurred on set, but, I think I've written enough. If you want more stories, leave a comment or question and I will get back to you! The film will probably be posted in the next few weeks. Wish my team luck with our last showing tonight at 7 and for awards. I really hope my team can win best film this year. We are a family and well, it would be nice for my family to win this year. Ha. If not this year, as I promised myself 4 years ago, I will continue to compete until we WIN! Cheerio ole chaps!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Here comes 48 hours of fun!

Heya! It's been quite a bit since I last posted something, so let me update you on a few things.

Firstly, I finished my thesis, had three premiere screenings of it on campus, and am now in the process of submitting it to festivals. If you're curious with how it turned out, here's the link:

Secondly, I've been obsessed with music composition for the past few weeks. My roommate gave me a ukelele so I've been doing a lot of composing with it. I think in the past week alone I've done more than 10 songs / compositions. I now have enough complete songs to make 2 albums... crazy to think about. Also, my friend Dave and I have been working on our album "Far Inside." Still trying to come up with a band name. Apparently "The Runaways" is already taken... darn. We'll come up with something!

And now for the meat of this post: this weekend is the Asheville 48 hour film festival! Wooo yeah!  This will be my 4th year in a row competing. 2 years ago I won best director and best sound design, and last year I won for best makeup and best actress. I made it a goal of mine to continue competing until I win best film. Kind of a terribly hard goal to accomplish, but hey, at least I'll make a lot of movies.

Here is the film I did last year: Sleepyhead: Asheville 48 Hour Film

For the past month I have been doing all I can do prior to the event: finding a crew, finding actors, and securing locations. The thing about this competition is that you have no idea what genre your film will be until the start of the 48 hours. I've had the genres of time travel movie, detective/cop, and horror. This year my top choice would probably have to be "buddy film" because it basically encompasses all genres- the only guideline being that there has to be two friends.

My crew is basically the same as it has been for the past two years, except a few new additions (and a few subtractions... :( ).
Us five in 2011 (director Kira, sound Byrd, cinematographer Kali, gaffer Wayne, and AD Sam) have stuck together- this will be our 3rd 48 hour film, and our 4th film as a crew.

Lady power of the team. (the girl on the right won best actress! go Aislin!)

Setting up the shot with smiles on faces.

So wish my team luck this weekend! I'm nervous and excited as I am every time I compete in this. Ta ta for now lovely reader!